Mission Statement
We are a membership driven organization to serve, represent and be the foremost advocate to our members in such a way as to enhance the quality of life and well being of our unique county, its residents and visitors, through continued and orderly growth of our business enterprises
Character Counts!
The Queen Anne’s County Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a Character Counts! Business of Character. As such we require our membership to practice the values of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship toward each other, their customers and their community.
“We are formed; we exist”

What is a Chamber of Commerce?
The Chamber of Commerce is an interconnected group of businesses and professionals working together to increase local commerce and to serve their communities more effectively than can be done individually.
There is a distinct advantage in combining efforts with other like-minded businesses and applying available technology to expand your own business while increasing global awareness of your community. The more your local business community grows, the more potential there is for your own business or service.
As a business person in today’s economy, it is imperative that you apply all the tools available to you in order to succeed. Many of the tools necessary for expanding your business and reaching potential customers and clients are only available to you through your local Chamber of Commerce.
Without the support of the Chamber, and the technology it makes available, it is much more difficult for an independent business to be successful in the turbulent economic seas prevalent today.
Prospective customers searching for reputable businesses through the internet or by traditional sources normally begin with the local Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber, in turn, can drive incoming business directly to you as a member.
Chambers of Commerce are not governmental organizations and receive no direct government funding. Each Chamber is a separate and independent entity and these individual entities are not connected by government or funding.
The Chamber exists to serve its members. It provides the resources and tools you need to maximize your success. Membership in your Chamber of Commerce can give your business a powerful edge in today's competitive market.